You are responsible for insuring the vehicle you are driving with liability insurance at a minimum. If you’ve been charged with any of the following call us immediately at 905-454-2112 so that we can best advise you of what to do.
Failing to Surrender Insurance Card
If you are driving a vehicle that you are not the owner of and cannot show the insurance when requested by an officer, the officer can charge you with a fine of $65. The officer can contact the owner of the vehicle up to 3 years from the date of the charge and after an investigation finds that there is no insurance on the vehicle at the time, the officer can charge the owner with a much larger fine.
No Vehicle Insurance
The fine for driving without insurance is $5,000 plus a tax of %20.
False Evidence of Insurance
If the officer believes that you have provided false evidence of insurance, the officer can charge with this. It is then your responsibility to prove to the officer that you have valid insurance. This charge can be given by the officer up to 3 years from the date of the offence.
The penalty for providing false evidence of insurance is $10,000 plus the 20% surcharge.
Making A False Statement of Insurance
The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) requires that you verbally confirm that your vehicle is insurance against liability when validating the license plate. If you lie to the MTO and do not have insurance, you can receive a penalty of $10,000.
We Can Help You
Insurance offenses are serious. We can fight your charge. Call us for a free quote!